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If somebody’s interested, I wrote a sort of postmortem around the release of this tool.


This is really useful.  Even just for a regional map.  I'm running a few campaigns on a savannah plateau, the parties are starting to move up into the surrounding mountains, and j just the principles in the pdf are a help.


Thank you! Yeah, absolutely, I’m using this process for regional maps, as well. :)


Honestly interesting! Well done!




Had to come back and tip you after making my first map. Thanks for a great, quick and easy map building procedure!

Thank you so much! I’m so happy that my process made it easier for you to create!


Holy heck, this is useful. The author has managed to distill plate tectonics down to an easy-to-implement model for world building. It’s highly readable and written directly for TTRPG designers, homebrewers, and other world builders.

This is going directly into my own world building toolkit – and I’d love to see the author produce guides for other elements of world building.

Wow, thank you so much. As a first-time creator, it means the world to me to read these words.


Exactly as advertised! Possibly not quite enough to get past my fear of plate tectonics, but makes me feel "why didn't I just do that" enough that it might just be. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words. :) The thing is, my process doesn’t really do tectonics. It only models them. Would you be open to sharing what you find intimidating? I’m wondering if I could reword some things to make the procedure feel less scary.